Monday, October 23, 2006

Steady as she goes..

Another day at sea and the winds haven’t changed. The Flagship’s not feeling too good, and actually, it isn’t bothered where it’s heading. A great white shark, one that has been tailing the Flagship for weeks, is still at large, and not far from site.

Below deck, the crashing and banging of cutlery hasn’t stopped for days. The Captain’s cook’ is in a foul mood and hasn’t been seen for weeks, except for the cooking and bringing of food, which he sometimes just leaves on the table, without being seen himself .

The Flagship has one more companion, a dog. The dog goes by the name of ‘Mr Duffield’.
Mr Duffield has been hiding too, and he spends most of his time watching the great white shark from the porthole near his hiding place.

The Captain thinks he’s doomed because of the enormous great white shark that follows the Flagship. He thinks the shark senses danger and doom ahead.

Below deck, the cook, who has not been named yet, throws bits of old meat, that have gone off out of the porthole. It is the sharks favorite snack.

The Captain lights up his pipe that's been stuffed with his favorite tobbacco. He feels light hearted tonight and content with the day. There's been no sign of the shark, no rattling pans, and no barking Mr Duffield. Suddenly the Captain hears a strange noise, a cry, something like a fog horn, or more like a Elephant in great pain. What is it? Where is it coming from? And where is the cook and Mr Duffield? The Captain blows the Flagships warning horn, which should summons all on deck. Nothing, not a sound from below, and again he hears the strange crying sound..


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